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Aether Brewing Limited Release #181 QDH DIPA

Aether Brewing Limited Release #181 QDH DIPA

Regular price $10.50 AUD
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Introducing Limited Release #181 – our Quadruple Dry Hopped Hazy Double IPA! This month, we wanted to explore the “evolution” of hops by using them in four different ways. This started from their humble beginnings as flowers and evolved to normal & specialty hop pellets. From there, we explored modern applications of advanced hop products such as pure oil extracts which give juicy & fruity aromas. With each form of hopping, we believe we were able to capture different flavour notes exclusive to that method of delivery. Altogether, this made a hazy brew with an intensely juicy aroma, akin to POG juice.

Malt: Pale & wheat malts along with flaked barley & oats
Hops: Hopped with an ever-evolving range of hop products from basic Cascade flowers to Ekuanot & Mosaic pellets and advanced hop products such as double-concentrated Citra pellets and oil extracts from Enigma and Rakau hops, culminating in an intense amount of flavour

Vegan friendly & all natural – free of preservatives and additives.

AVB 8.8% / 375ml

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